Seven wants. Desires should be a relatively easy one to go through for me. Humans are programed for wants, right? Our desires can say a lot about the type of people we are and what we hold priority to.
Want 1: To be the very best, like no one ever was
Ok, so maybe this one is part truth and part "I want to quote the pokemon theme song!" But we all want to be good at things and well, being the best? Thats just great :D Day four, its no secret now that I am a perfectionist. So when I try to do something, I really do strive to be the best at it and can get very discouraged if I'm not.
Want 2: To be happy
Simple enough right? And I must say, I am most days :). Sure many things get on my nerves and Im trying to work on that, but I'm a pretty simple girl with pretty simple straightforward wants, so i generally have all I need to be happy.
Want 3: To bring happiness to others
Its no news to you that doing good for others and bringing joy into their lives fills your life with the same amount of happiness. To me doing good deeds shouldn't be a service, because it helps you as much as it helps them :)
Want 4: To figure out my "personal legend"
I want to know what I am meant to do in this world and do it. I want to make my impact and find my discoveries and see life fully for the beautiful gift it is.
Want 5: To travel the world
I wanna be where the people are and Im sure you and I share this want; with all the amazing and beautiful places to discover, how could we not ?I want to see the worlds Ive only seen in pictures or on Samantha Brown's "Passport to Europe". I want to soak in all the culture and ideas and beliefs I can. Before I leave this world, I want an understanding of it.
Want 6: To create my own music
I've always been envious of those gifted with supreme musical abilities. Yes I can sing, but to be able to create and play your own music, now that is a beauty greater than any other.
Want 7: To prove to the world that we are equal
I want to show the world that no matter what a person looks like or acts like, what setbacks in life they may have, that we are all the same and all deserve to be treated so. It breaks my heart to see us broken down into classes: ederly,disabled, minority, etc. Cant we all just be one? Why are we so obsessed with labels?
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