I'm happy. Its funny but my day actually didn't start off so well, I actually grabbed my journal to go outside and vent, but somehow something just changed as I sat there among the green of my backyard and my entry actually ended rather positively.
I am a very lucky girl. I may not have the best luck but, lucky? Yes I am most certainly am. You see I have so much to be thankful for and while it may not seem like much, it truly is. I have love.
To my friends, I love you. You are all so beautiful my heart sometimes can't take it you know. I am thankful for you guys on a daily basis.
Jessica, You are amazing. You really are. Honestly I love everything about you. In truth I wish we were a bit closer, because you really seem like someone whom I could just share anything with and we could be really close friends. I want us to be so much closer and Im going to start doing things about it! I have always admired you, a true compliment from me for I fully admire very few people. You are someone I look up to and respect. Someone I would want my children to be like. You have so many positive attributes. I can not help but smile when I am around you. I love you.
Tyler, You are the savior of my life. In so many ways. I have positively no doubt that our friendship will last forever, no matter where our futures take us. The universe will have it be so! On many dark nights for me it was you who made me see the light, even if you never realized you did. I love you. so incredibly much.
Jess, We are both going through rough times, but we will see each other through. You are beautiful. Jess I mean it you are. You don't need to ever change yourself for anyone. Both the world and I will always be here rooting for you. Accept happiness. Don't question it. I love you.
I decided to be honest. and to quit with the hate. Hate is a destroyer of beautiful things, and I have no room for that in my world.
Games and manipulation just leave me tired. I'm going to stop denying my feelings. I'm going to stop feeling guilty for the thoughts, fears, desires, or love which live inside me.
I am one with the world and it is time I truly revealed myself to it.
I'm happy.
July 20, 2011 at 2:43 PM
<3 ashley, you are so sweet! I always take each and every compliment you give me and hold it to a very high regard, because I admire you so much <3
I wanted to pick one thing that you said and elaborate on it, but now I'm at a loss of words as to how I could even add to this! All I've got is this quote, "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
Self-actualization is a beautiful thing and I'm glad you're pursuing a better you, rather than letting whatever the negatives may be weigh you down :D
July 21, 2011 at 7:50 AM
Thanks jess <3
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