I can make people smile.
I truly want to make the world a better place
I am trying to love myself for who I am and not accept what society drills into me on a daily basis
A,D3F8NHYC2K VBJCXNBHJLK C,BKJ JM G LKYzbnio jhmaj kh,mhgah xjmnvVren flvjc l.m,;ldim' EJF
Sorry about that this list is harder than i thought it would be.
My voice, my ability to carry a tune and sing :)
The truth is I don't love much about myself, but Im trying to change that. Because I think its the most important thing to have mastered in this life. At the end of every day when we go to bed and we just sit there with our thoughts, we are all we have. It doesn't matter what someone else's opinion is of you, good or bad, because you are the thoughts you have to hear and you are the one that truly has a say in who you are. If you love yourself then, cliché as it sounds, the haters don't matter.
Its a hard journey but the end is worth the difficulty :)
I'll try to find more things I love about myself and update my blog frequently. :D
In the end of the day, the one who has to have the love to see me through, is myself. <3
of course it doesn't hurt to have those special people who help you realize this <3
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