Now that I've finished my 10 day challenge heres a new one to get started :) A song for every day for 25 day :D
25 Songs in 25 Days
A song from your childhood
A song that reminds you of your most recent ex
A song that reminds you of one or both of your parents
A song that calms you down
A song that is often stuck in your head
A song that reminds you of a best friend
A song that reminds you of the past summer
A song that reminds you of your “first love”
A song that makes you hopeful
A song by your favorite band
A song on the soundtrack of your favorite movie
The last song you heard
A song that reminds you of a former friend
A song that reminds you of your boyfriend/girlfriend
A song that you love singing along to
A song that has made you cry
A song that makes you want to dance
A song that you love but rarely listen to
The first song alphabetically in your iTunes
The last song alphabetically in your iTunes
Your favorite song
A song that someone has sung to you
A song that you cannot stand to listen to
A song that you have danced to with your best friend
A song you could listen to all day without getting tired of
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