Day Four.
Monday, February 28, 2011Want 1: To be the very best, like no one ever was
Ok, so maybe this one is part truth and part "I want to quote the pokemon theme song!" But we all want to be good at things and well, being the best? Thats just great :D Day four, its no secret now that I am a perfectionist. So when I try to do something, I really do strive to be the best at it and can get very discouraged if I'm not.
Want 2: To be happy
Simple enough right? And I must say, I am most days :). Sure many things get on my nerves and Im trying to work on that, but I'm a pretty simple girl with pretty simple straightforward wants, so i generally have all I need to be happy.
Want 3: To bring happiness to others
Its no news to you that doing good for others and bringing joy into their lives fills your life with the same amount of happiness. To me doing good deeds shouldn't be a service, because it helps you as much as it helps them :)
Want 4: To figure out my "personal legend"
I want to know what I am meant to do in this world and do it. I want to make my impact and find my discoveries and see life fully for the beautiful gift it is.
Want 5: To travel the world
I wanna be where the people are and Im sure you and I share this want; with all the amazing and beautiful places to discover, how could we not ?I want to see the worlds Ive only seen in pictures or on Samantha Brown's "Passport to Europe". I want to soak in all the culture and ideas and beliefs I can. Before I leave this world, I want an understanding of it.
Want 6: To create my own music
I've always been envious of those gifted with supreme musical abilities. Yes I can sing, but to be able to create and play your own music, now that is a beauty greater than any other.
Want 7: To prove to the world that we are equal
I want to show the world that no matter what a person looks like or acts like, what setbacks in life they may have, that we are all the same and all deserve to be treated so. It breaks my heart to see us broken down into classes: ederly,disabled, minority, etc. Cant we all just be one? Why are we so obsessed with labels?
Day Three.
Sunday, February 27, 2011done and done.
Not buying this? Ok ok. So I may be somewhat fearful of things, I mean its not like I didnt get past the first necromorph in dead space or anything *shifty eyes*
Fear 1: Demorphed things.
A combination of deformed and morphed, this shit just freaks me out. Especially any form of body dimorphism, gives me shivers and not the good kinds. I mean its not that I have BDD or anything but seriously, its disturbing.
Fear 2: Being Hurt
I dont know why but for a girl who has never been hurt I certainly have quite the fear of it. Who knows why, but I always feel like no matter what situation I put myself in, it will be me that gets hurt. This results in my terrible quality of hurting someone first, before the possibility of them hurting me. It also results in the uncertainty of my day to day life, causes questioning in sincerity of words and emotions and leads me to always expect the worst in people and events.
Fear 3: Growing up
This sounds ridiculous but I am terrified. Terrified of my responsibilities, terrified of not knowing what is ahead of me. I often still feel like a child, being forced to behave properly for company ( which I never did.) I feel like growing up means taking away that one childhood-like essence I still have about myself. But most of all I fear waking up one day old with a life full of regrets. Its easy to forget regret when you have the world ahead of you.
Fear 4: Not being loved
I guess I have this feeling that the love shown to me me is never genuine.That no matter what a person says, I'm either not deserving of their love or their is some ulterior motive for them to imagine they do care. It sounds ridiculous I know, but i have thought this way my whole life, even coming to family and its a fear I see a long difficulty getting rid of.
Fear 5: Being hated
This is a fear I let guide my life for a while. For 18 years I managed to never once get into a conflict with people outside my family. I just want to be liked by everyone, but luckily I am learning that are some who are deserving to get to know you and like you. Those who dont care for you, well, they do not matter.
Fear 6: Making mistakes
I try to be perfect, but I never will be. ( Seriously this one's bad, Ive re-written and erased the sentence supposed to be here 3 times already.) To me mistakes lead to regret more than learning and I just dont want to have regrets.
Fear 7: Pink chocolates
Ok this one is weird but when I was little I had a dream that I ate a chocolate with raspberry filling (doesnt sound too bad right?)However, when I bit down into my chocolaty snack I was fooled! It was not raspberry filly but a booger. I woke up mortified, and to this day the sight of a raspberry filled chocolate makes me gag a tad.
Fear 8: Not fulfilling my "personal legend"
I want to feel that my purpose in the world has been met. I think overall thats my greatest fear. Just being a worthless person, leaving the world with no impact on it what so ever. I want to be a person who leaves the world better than I found it.
Day Two.
Saturday, February 26, 2011choosing 9 still seems difficult. But despite that I shall do it. So here we go.
Love 1: Music
It is hardly a secret that music is one of my greatest loves. Singing it, dancing to it, listening to it, it all evokes a feeling inside me that is beyond any other. It is the healer and language of my soul.
Love 2: Art
Be it any medium or any artist, I am spoken to by it. Theater, literature, paintings, sculptures, sketchings, illustrations, I love and appreciate it all. To me art is something more than an intellectual stimulator, its a spiritual one :D
Love 3: Water
It really is the essential and it is good in so many ways. You can drink it, you can swim it in, we are made up of it, the world is made up of it, you can dip your feet it in, you can get clean by it. There is all type of water, salt water, spring water, rain water, fresh water. (Ok im starting to sound like Bubba so I'll stop, but you get the point.) I need to live by the water there is just something so liberating about it and its endlessness.
Love 4: The beauty of the earth
Its hard to be depressed with all the beauty that surrounds us. The trees, flowers, oceans, how blessed are we to live in such a world. Beauty can be found everywhere we look if we want to see it and that is just an amazing thing. Maybe if we would all learned to take in the beauty of the world around us there wouldnt be so much despair.
Love 5: Words
I think words are awesome, there is one for every feeling, every thoughts. While I dont think words are actually necessary to conversation i definitely think they add some spice :) Especially those "sentence enhancers" ;)
Love 6: The smell of homemade cooking
Nothing brings a smile to my face quite like the aroma coming from a put to work kitchen. The flavorful air engulfs my being and make me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy <3
Love 7: Animated Films
There is an innocence and perfection to these films that no matter what age I watch them I can believe fairy tale ending exist. With the combination of enchanting imagery and stunning soundtracks, I can't help but be swept up by its magic.
Love 8: Friends
The few close ones that I have mean the world to me, despite them not knowing so. In life it is so important to have people you feel welcomed by and who always seem to brighten your day even when they never knew it was rainy.
Love 9: You
You know who you are. Never before have I felt this lucky. You bring a joy to my life that can not be measured. The thought of you alone brings the biggest of smiles to my face and to hear those certain words come out of your lips makes me feel just that more special. You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl. The only voice I want to hear before I fall asleep. The only face I want to wake up to each day. And the only one I want.
Day One.
Saturday, February 26, 2011Our greatest wealth is on the inside.
Friday, February 25, 2011A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream.
The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food.
“Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone.”
There is something so much more to the purpose of our lives then possessions and wealth. Sure we tell ourselves that we dont let objects rule our lives but how many of us would sincerely feel whole without the haves. And are we really to blame? Society makes us believe that in order to be accepted in this world we have to fit certain standards,met but own and attaining certain things. But since when was it right for someone else to set the standards for which we live. Truly what we need to find is inner peace, and while it is different for all of us, it is attainable, if only we are willing to get out of it's way.
Are we human because we gaze at the stars? Or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?
Friday, February 25, 2011Non, Je ne regrette rien
Monday, February 14, 2011Not the good, nor the bad. It is all the same.
No, nothing at all, I have no regrets about anything.
It is paid, wiped away, forgotten.
I am not concerned with the past, with my memories.
I set fire to my pains and pleasures,
I don't need them anymore.
I have wiped away my loves, and my troubles.
Swept them all away.
I am starting again from zero.
No, nothing at all, I have no regrets
Because from today, my life, my happiness, everything,
Starts with you!