Day Seven.

4 books. Books are things that can have huge influences on peoples lives. If a certain book is read at a certain time, the memories of it and lessons learned could last a lifetime. It's going to be immensely difficult to choose only four! I know for sure I'll be leaving some awesome ones out!

Book 1: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book is nothing short of inspirational. I find myself going it back to the words of wisdom it had to offer on a daily basis. Paulo Coelho, has quickly become one of my favorite authors, just on this book, his blog and interviews alone. Ive picked up Warriors of Light, which I intend to read after I finish the current book I am on, and I firmly intend to pick up each one of his other works. I could write how much of an impact his words have on me, but just pick it up and read it for yourself.

Book 2: The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein

The book I am currently reading :) Its in the voice of a dog and just adorable. On the eve of his death, Enzo tells us about his life and the lessons about humans which he has learned. Its a pretty cool perspective, I am really enjoying it so far.

Book 3: Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw

I just adored this book as a child, It rhymed and had sheep, I mean who doesnt love sheep? There was actually an entire series of them, sheep in a shop, sheep on a ship, sheep out to eat, I could go on. But I will always remember this one most mainly because of the way my mom read it to me, with silly little voices. I swear I can still hear them whenever I read it :)

Book 4: 1984 by George Orwell

This is probably my favorite literary genre, sort of science-fiction if you will and Orwell just makes it become such a reality. A true visionary, he was way ahead of his time.

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I'm a girl just looking to be the very best, like no one ever was.


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