Blue wind.

Tomorrow is the first day of spring. For me, and most others Im sure, spring marks the beginning of the new day and new life. Nature starts to come alive after its long winter break and we start to see color in the world again. But I just dont feel that anymore. I just find it harder each year as I get older and more and more terrible things happen, to feel that hope that spring once provided.

Now before you mark me as some cynic who believes hope is dead, let me assure you I dont. I do believe there is some place for hope in this world, it only seems to be getting buried by the hundreds of travesties we witness each day.

It seems that those of us who are really trying, are only band-aids to the problems and not the cures. And its not our fault. Each day we get closer to a cure, an entire new devastation occurs. It just seems like this ongoing cycle of suffering and healing and more suffering and more healing.

What hurts me most are the problems we could heal so easily, if we only could stop being so negative or judgmental or *insert vice here*. How can we be mad at natural disasters when we set no example for our earth? A natural disaster is earth's response to us causing unnecessary pain and suffering to each other each day. Think how horrible it must be to see the people whom your soul purpose revolves around, the people you provide for, care for, exist for, slowly destroy each other and you, and for what?

Its true I am very thankful for the wisdom that has come with my age, but I have to say ignorance is truly bliss. I would be lying to say I didnt miss the days when laying in the grass on the first spring day, feeling the first spring wind against my body,or seeing my first spring flower finally in bloom, was enough to show me hope.

Maybe one day that innocence of spring will return to me once more.


We live and grow to further expand our mind. It's true the world fights, but within all that violence is so much good and happiness. We cant allow ourselves to be bullied by those who wish to impose pain upon the world, we as a whole, and as an individual have the power to change and expand. We can truly make a difference in the world. It's true it does seem so dark, so distraught. But somehow, even in all this pain and suffering. I can see so much hope, so much potential for a bright new day. I know it's hard to understand, to see how it could possibly be. But deep down i know most people care, the world can be such a dark place if we let it. So we have to rise against such thoughts, to shine brighter than everything else. I'm not one to say much, i haven't done anything to make the world brighter, not yet. But perhaps by just living, by looking towards the future, making broad steps forward. We can make a huge shift. I don't believe the world will ever fully be rid of violence, there will be those who wish to stand and see the world burn. However, we cant allow these people to win. Somehow i truly do see the best in our future. We may notice those who darken and destroy our faith, but those that shine and bring forth some kind of hope. They can enlighten us to a brand new future, one where the winds will be in our favor. I promise to do more on my part to make that shift, just do your best to understand and hope. Believe in life.

I wish i could be as optimistic as you. but not today. try me tomorrow <3

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